Wednesday, September 4, 2013

MINI Charms

I often mention that the reason I <3 MINIS is because they tell stories.  One of my first introductions to things miniature was my charm bracelet.  In the 1960’s and 70’s it was a rite of passage in our family to be given a bracelet.  The intricate charms were collected to tell our story.  I fondly remember the artist pallet charm my father gave me with itty bitty jewels for the paint circles.  He was my biggest fan of anything I created.  As children we would sit for hours and spread out my mother’s and aunt’s bracelets, along with ours, and carefully play with the charms.  We especially loved the ones that opened and hid even smaller treasurers.  The little cage with a real dollar so my aunt would never be broke;  the little Bible that opened and you could read the tiny print; small flute, tiny teacher’s apple with a worm, the list goes on!  Alas, my bracelet was taken in college by someone probably looking for money in the cherished little wooden box I kept it in.  I miss that bracelet; it told my story.  Some of the manufactured miniatures of today are probably fashioned from the same molds used in the charm world.   When others say they have no interest in dollhouse miniatures remind them of the many other ways MINIS have come across their lives!

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