A close MINI friend came for a visit the past few days and we were talking about the many artists we have met, classes we have taken and our love of MINIS over the years. We kept coming back to Brooke Tucker. Many of you collect and admire Brooke's work, but for those of you new to this wonderful hobby, Brooke Tucker was an original who set this hobby on fire with her talent for creating and teaching roomboxes. After a career in acting in the 1970's with notable roles in Medical Center, The Ghostbusters and Charlie's Angels, she turned to making a career out of her lifelong hobby in miniatures. There is still a line of miniatures available with Brooke's touch. There have also been countless magazine articles, interviews and books about Brooke's work. Miniature Collector has a wonderful 'How To' to create one of her rooms (1998) that is popular with groups and clubs. In my humble MINI opinion she ranks up there as one of the most influential miniaturists in the past 40 years. Enjoy! ~judy www.justminiaturescale.com
I remember taking classes with Brooke. There was always much laughter and yes frustration, lol but the knowledge that I gained from her was priceless. I miss her.